Frequently Asked Questions
Q- What is the Granite City Area Community Foundation (GCACF) and what is its relationship with GCAA?
A- The GCAA is one of several organizations housed under the umbrella of the GCACF. There is already an existing community based non-profit organization in existence, so it made sense to use that infrastructure to jump start the GCAA. We will maintain control over our decisions and finances.
Q- Where will my money go when I make a donation?
A- At this time, yearly dues payments will be dedicated towards building our alumni scholarship(s) for graduating seniors. Every alumnus that chooses a paid dues option will know how their money was being spent. Additional donations will be dedicated to the current capital campaign project we have identified as the focus of our fundraising.
Q- I want to be a part of the Management Committee. How do I get involved?
A- Send us an email. Contact us at . Introduce yourself and let us know you would like to be considered for the Management Committee. We appreciate your willingness to serve our schools and community!
Q- Is the Alumni Association tied to the school district?
A- No. And this is by design. Many alumni associations are run and controlled by their respective school districts. We are intentionally separate to give us financial and decision making freedom. GCSD9 has agreed to share a link to our association on their website. They have also recognized us as the official alumni association for Granite City graduates.
Q- How will I know how my donations are being spent?
A- Great question. We aim to be a model of transparency and integrity. We want to support the school district and community, and the best way to do so is make sure our alumni are willing to confidently donate. We plan to have annual financial statements available to the membership on this website.