GC Sports Hall of Fame
The Granite City Sports Hall of Fame was established to honor individuals and/or teams that have attained a level of achievement that is believed to be above average expectations and standards relative to athletic performance and participation. Honored individuals may achieve this status of excellence due to their participation as a player, coach, manager, administrator (etc.) or through a combination of any/all of the above.
Selection Criteria
Shall have been considered to be a “native” of Granite City or have been affiliated with Granite City organized teams or activities.
Shall have performed in a manner that resulted in the attainment of pride, recognition, and honor to the individual as well as to the community both on and off the playing field.
Shall have attained the minimum age of 35 by January 1 of the year to be inducted. (Same criteria for posthumous award)
*The selection committee shall consider and evaluate any other factors of an extraordinary nature not stated or implied in the criteria listed above.
Selection Procedure
The first week of January of each year, each Committee member is permitted to nominate up to four individuals to be voted upon for induction into the Hall of Fame. Once all nominations are received, the Nominating Committee send those nominated a resume’ to be executed by the nominee detailing his/her athletic accomplishments. After all resumes’ are returned back to the Committee, they will then study the resumes’ for three weeks and then in February they will meet to discuss each individual in detail and votes for nominees to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Those nominees receiving a majority of Committee members voting are inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame.
In addition to individuals inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame, the Hall of Fame Committee inducts two teams each year, one high school team and a non-high school team. As with the individuals, the teams inducted have attained a level of achievement worthy of induction.
Beginning in 1994, the Granite City Sports Hall of Fame also began granting special recognition awards to those individuals and/or organizations who have demonstrated extraordinary sponsorship, support, dedication and/or dedicated service to athletic causes.
The Granite City Sports Hall of Fame Committee also accepts nominations from the public at large and each public nomination is given the same consideration as Committee’s nomination and are automatically included in the voting procedure.
The purpose of the Granite City Sports Hall of Fame is to honor those who deserve recognition through their efforts and contributions in the competitive arena of athletic participation. The criteria for selection are not intended to select only those believed to have attained that extra plateau – one step above the rest!
Sports Hall of Fame Commitee
Linda Ames
Stephanie Boyer
Keith Burton
Daren DePew
Jackie Harris
Chris McCullough
Jerry McKechan
Chris Mitchell
John Moad
Tim Moran
Tom Schooley
Established, September 1986 – Joe Fedora, Chairman
Revised, February, 1992 – Tom Schooley, Chairman
Revised, May, 2012 – Babe Champion, Chairman